I must express my {love} for the movie Toy Story.
It is amazing and seem to find myself quoting it at least once a day!
I find it to be witty and quite commical!
Toy Story
Some of my favorite quotes:
1. You are a sad, strange little man,
you have my pitty, FAREWELL
2. I don't believe that man has ever been to medical school
3. Hannah, Janie's all better now
5. Alright mister LITE BEER prove it!
6. Doctor you've done it!
7. Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?
8. Sucking down darjiling with Marie Antoinette and her little sister
9. Tell me the hat looked good, the apron was a little much
but tell me the hat looked good
10. He's in the psycho's bedroom!
I went and saw the back to back 3D of Toy Story 1 and 2 in theaters
and I am {SOOOOOO} excited to see the 3rd one!
I would tell you who my favorite character is except for the fact that I
just cant seem to decide on just one!
They all crack me up. Yes I will admit, even though I am 21
I still laugh out loud when I watch the Toy Story movies!
Bed sheets?! Who invited THAT kid?