Best friend? I have been blessed with too many amazing
people in my life to just chose one
Lost any friends? yes :(
Gained any friends? yes. :)
Met a new good friend? yes and they are wonderful
Went out of the country? nope, never been out of the country
Moved? yes, 3 times
New school? nope. i wish
How many times on an airplane? um just once i think...and it was horrible
Have you changed? most definately
New look? i suppose. i've lost a little bit of weight
Biggest conflict this year? myself
Most depressed time this year? october-december
Favorite Season this year? spring-summer
Least favorite season this year? fall-winter
Good birthday? AMAZING!
Any snow? yes. enough to last me a life time.
Snuck out? negative.
Met a person who will change you life? always.
Had a first something? quite.
Liked someone who did not like you? yes after a time.
Lost a family member? only my wisdon teeth.
Got bad grades? that would require attending school.
Got suspended? again it this would require me attending school.
Moved states? yes.
Got a myspace? nope. already had one
Done something you totally regret? i never regret i only learn.
Last Year I...
broke a promise: i did. many infact. it is my new years resolution to not promise anymore
made a new best friend: lots. if i don't make any
then i cant brake any. no promises=more simple life
fell out of love: nope. just more and more deeply IN love everyday
lied: probably. about stupid things like what time i got out of bed and such.
went behind your parents back: no.
cried: yes. many times.
disappointed someone close: yes. very close.
hid a secret: many: i am the chamber of secrets
pretended to be happy: yes. i needed to for my own sanity at the time.
kissed in the rain: no.
slept under the stars: yes. and it was wonderful
kept your new years resolution: negative.
forgot your new years resolution: indeed. until just now.
wish i would have kept it.
met one of your idols: cant say i did.
changed your outlook on life: in many ways yes.
pretended to be sick: negative. i hate being sick. even just pretend.
left the country: negativatority.
almost died: nope. but my mom would scold me for taking part in some
very fun activities that could very easily have taken my life
lost something expensive: what i lost was priceless.
learned something new about yourself: yes. i learned a LOT about myself
made a change in your life: some very big ones
found out who your true friends were:
i don't believe i have any UN true friends
met great people: everyday.
stayed up til sunrise: yes.
cried over the silliest thing: yes. i did. many times.
was never home on weekends: i was out a lot on weekends.
but i was also home a lot
got into a car accident: yes. my poor oprah. she looks horrible.
had friends who were drifting away from you: yes.
had someone close to you die: myself.
had a high cell phone bill: yes.
wasted most of your money on food: no. food is never a waste of money.
had a fist fight: yes. but not an angry realy one.
went to the beach with your best friend: nope. that was 2008
saw a celebrity: yes. shine down. phenomenial.
gotten sick: yes.
liked more than 5 people at the same time: nope.
Favorite color of 2009? yellow. of every year.
Significance? the color of sunshine. it makes me happy.
Favorite food of 2009? acai. hungry howie's greek salad
How many times per week did you eat it? at least once. and i loved it.
Favorite book of 2009? the book of mormon is my favorite book.
of every year
How long did it take you to finish it? didn't finish it in 2009.
Biggest purchase you made in 2009? a banjo.
Was it life changing? ask him. it was a present.
Best holiday of 2009? valentines.
What happened? blew up a fridge with the one i loved.
that is how i could have almost died as well.
One trend you didn't partake in, in 2009? chopping my hair off.
Why not? i'm trying to grow my hair out. i want mermaid hair
What motivated this decision? adrienne's hair.
Most significant day of 2009? September 9.
What happened? my world turned upside down and i learned many a thing.
about myself. the man i loved. God. and how to trust him more.
The one person that changed your life in 2009?
i could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens
What a year,
(survey found compliments of here)